Frequently Asked Question

CLASSIC - HYDRO MODE - What is Twiddle-Dither ?
Last Updated 6 years ago

"Twiddle Dither" is a special micro-hydro tracking mode that was designed in when working
with a Prominent micro-manufacturer in the US.

Twiddle-Dither mode is basically the same as normal slow-hydro tracking at one minute intervals
except that it repeats and re-tracks as fast as it is inherently allowed to. Every few seconds if
Sweep-Depth is low enough. Sweep-Depth adjustment tells the tracking algorithm how much
power to drop at high and low voltages.

Twiddle-Dither is also intended for use when the MPP voltage might be changing due to flow
amount changes. It may be better in some cases to actually use a pre-programmed curve
in Wind-Track mode because micro hydro and wind turbines may both have fast changes
in flow rates. Fast changes in flow rate are most common in wind but sometimes also in hydro,
especially when used in processed waste-water output energy harvesting.

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