Frequently Asked Question

Local App vs Classic Features & BUG LIST
Last Updated 7 years ago

LIMITS - BATTERY TEMPERATURE Is not settable from the Local App.
TIME SYNC (TWEAKS MENU as TMSYNC) is NOT settable from the Local App.
SHADING is not settable from the Local App.
In the Local App >> CONFIG / BASIC >> The "FORCE ABSORB" is really "FORCE BULK".
SMA MODE is NOT settable from the Local App. (Classic Lite requires an MNGP to set it)

PV INPUT and BATTERY DIALS do not readout OFFSET VALUES, they read out exactly what is present at the blue terminals.
(You need to go to CONFIG / TECH and go down to the OFFSET OPTION to read the OFFSET VALUES)  What this means is if you set an OFFSET the dial will not show this offset voltage, it will remain displaying the "raw" Battery voltage.

MAIN Status Panel Screen - When display multiple Classics the Energy: 9.99 kWh if over 9.99 will not display the text "kWh"
BATTERY VOLT DIAL reads 1/2V less than the ABSORB setting but the absorb counter is counting...

If you have a CLASSIC 200 the OUT AMP LIMIT is locked to 65 amp MAX, on the MNGP is will be up to 80 amps.  Saving this from the LA will set it to 65 amp MAX and will require you to go to the MNGP and set it back up.  The AMPS Dial on the LA will be set to 65 MAX even if AMPS out can go over 65.

You can’t program AUX-1 LBD from the Local App, the wording is all wrong and gets confusing because the LA uses OFF/ON Volts as where the MNGP uses V LOW and V HIGH where V-LOW = ON and V-HIGH = OFF.  For example, if you had a 12V relay connected to AUX-1 it would turn ON or close at the low voltage setting and turn OFF or open at the high voltage setting.

The Classic MNGP has a ABSORB TIME low limit of 3 minutes and rolls over to 18:00 hrs.  The LA lets you set 0,1,2 minutes and if you do and SAVE the next time you open that Classic there is a really big number showing in the LA.  This requires you to go to the Classic and select a valid ABSORB TIME.

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